RT with Sindh MPs on GRB & Sindh’s Budgets FY2021-22 & FY2022-23
10-11 January 2022 in Karachi
The Foundation discussed Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) with Sindh MPs and the Sindh Commission on the Status of Women at a two-day roundtable held in Karachi on 10-11 January 2022. The Foundation’s gender analysis of Sindh’s Budget FY2021-22 was presented and proposals discussed to promote GRB in Sindh’s budget for FY2022-23. Shirkat Gah presented details of CEDAW & SDG 5. This RT was a follow up on the engagement held on 15 December 2021 in Islamabad. Participants found the RT extremely informative & useful. Continued collaboration was agreed to promote GRB in Sindh’s Budget FY2022-23.