Aawaz-II Training of Trainers
To better understand Aawaz-II’s themes of Child Labour, GBV and Early/Forced Marriages, the Foundation assisted the British Council to organize a Training of Trainers. About 20 participants from nine KP districts and the Foundation staff attended an in-depth and engaging training that aimed to:
- Enhance facilitators’ understanding of Aawaz-II’s focus on inclusion, awareness and behaviour change.
- Equip forum facilitators with knowledge of Aawaz-II’s thematic areas, enabling them to promote change through Aawaz Forums.
- Provide master facilitators with skills and tools, enabling them to cascade training with confidence and commitment.
The training helped participants understand how identities and cultures influence behaviours. They became more familiar with Aawaz-II’s themes of: Child labour, Gender Based Violence and Early & Forced Marriages – their root causes and ways to counter them effectively. Participants will use skills and knowledge from the TOT to conduct training in their respective districts.