411965735 754595193366802 6779373613131446709 N (1)
411923132 754595250033463 5133254079949698400 N
411944823 754595173366804 4299946663865809100 N
413875097 754595183366803 3205714755905294454 N
411965735 754595193366802 6779373613131446709 N (1)
411923132 754595250033463 5133254079949698400 N
411944823 754595173366804 4299946663865809100 N
413875097 754595183366803 3205714755905294454 N

Aawaz II: 15th KP Provincial Forum Meeting

Aawaz II: 15th KP Provincial Forum Meeting
19 December 2023, Peshawar
At the 15th meeting of Aawaz II’s Provincial Forum (PF) in KP, members including senior representatives of government/statutory bodies and civil society organisations reviewed actions taken to support policy and public finance actions to prevent GBV and child marriage and promote social inclusion. The PF commended Aawaz II’s efforts to communicate policy recommendations to increase investments in preventing GBV and protecting the rights of non-Muslim religious minority communities to senior government representatives. These recommendations were compiled through intensive public consultations at the provincial, district and village levels.