Training on Analyzing Public Budgets with a Gender Lens
The Foundation is helping its Fempower-Pakistan partners: Shirkat Gah, Simorgh and Anthro Insights to build skills for analysing public budgets with a gender lens
The Foundation is helping its Fempower-Pakistan partners: Shirkat Gah, Simorgh and Anthro Insights to build skills for analysing public budgets with a gender lens
1-4 February 2021, Lahore Shirkat Gah facilitated a Training of Trainers, attended by 20 representatives of the Foundation, Simorgh and Shirkat Gah. The training helped participants become more familiar with the concepts of diversity and inclusion, rights and development, gender, leadership, advocacy and communication. A module of leadership was provided -- as a reference guide for cascading replications with community leaders. Specifically, the training achieved the following objectives: Clarified key concepts:diversity & inclusion Improved knowledge about rights & a social contract Deepened understandingabout gender, division of labour, resources & decision making Helped become familiar with leadership, advocacy & principles of communications Under Fempower Pakistan, Shirkat Gah,…
Under Aawaz-II, the Foundation assisted the British Council to organize a Training of Trainers, which was attended by 25 staff of district partners in Punjab and KP. The training helped participants become more familiar with the purpose and functions of the Aawaz Aagahi Centre (AAC), and its connections with parallel Aawaz structures. Specifically, the training achieved the following objectives: Clarified objectives, management structures and protocols of AACs Improved knowledge & information on AAC functions: activities…